The following anthologies feature poetry written by yours truly, and may be purchased at your local bookstore, or wherever amazing books are sold.
The Best Ever Book of Funny Poems chosen by Brian Moses
Imperfect II edited by Tabatha Yeatts
An Eyeball in my Garden edited by Jennifer Cole Judd and Laura Wynkoop. Illustrated by Johan Olander
Righting a Poem
by William Peery
I ponder, I question, I write and rewrite,
the rhythm is wrong and the rhyme isn’t right.
I grimace, I grumble, I whimper and doubt,
I stay up all night with my pencil and pout.
I scribble, I scrabble, I struggle and scratch,
I hide in my den for ideas to hatch.
I fiddle, I fuddle, I labor and reek,
I’ve not had a bath for a month and a week.
I dilly, I dally, I squander a day,
my friends have all left me, my dog ran away.
I polish, I finish, I holler and cheer,
the rhyme really chimes and the rhythm is clear.
I sniffle, I snuffle, I blubber and bawl—
tomorrow I know I won’t like it at all.
Here you will learn a little about the comings and goings of William Peery, that's me, author of utterly absurd poetry and tales of fiction for children, and those believing they are still children.
While most everything stated in this poem is one-hundred percent, undeniably true, you will be happy to learn that Shadow, my faithful poodle, did not run away.
Two Truths and a FIB Poetry Anthology is available January 1st, 2023. You must read it to beleive it, or not. For each subject, two poems tell the truth, but the third is a LIE!